Friday 24 April 2015

Principles of defending with "Makki" techniques

I recently got myself a copy of "Karate; The art of Empty-Hand" by Hidetaka Nishiyama and Richard Brown after there was some speculation about it being related to my study of Choi Hong Hi`s 1965 book (the Karate book was published in 1960). While the two works do share a few editorial tricks to save printing space, a similar layout and cover many of the same techniques (well Taekwondo in 1965 would be very very close to Karate so no suprise there) the information in both books and examples of application of the art is so different that I do not think that there is a closer relation between the two books other than the shared lineage and timeframe. The books cover many of the same techniques but each one contributes something the other does not so if you enjoy Choi Hong Hi`s 1965 book and want something similar but not the same I recommend "Karate; The art of Empty-Hand".

In the section of "blocking" Hidetaka Nishiyama gives a great list of principles that should be followed when blocking (not dogmatically though)

  1. Make every effort to turn the opponents`s strength to your own advantage.
  2. Be sure to maintain your own balance and posture in blocking.
  3. The blocking hand should not be over-engaged in the block but should be preparing for the next technique.
  4. While blocking and afterward be sure your posture or position does not offer your opponent an opening.
  5. While blocking you should have in mind the counterattack you will follow up with.
Now many will see the introduction and think to themselves that this does not relate to Taekwondo since this is from a Karate book, but rest assured in my personal opinion these principles is very much related to Taekwondo. At least the "traditional" variety.

If you read my post on martial principles and how they relate to our forms you will no doubt see how number four in the list above is very related to that posts mentioning of "evasion". There are a few more gems that I want to share from this book so stay tuned for more :-)

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